Who We Are
Northamptonshire’s Arson Task Force (ATF) was established in 2004 and is a partnership between Northamptonshire Police and Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS).
Kelly Crockett – Arson Reduction Coordinator – Northamptonshire Police.
Kelly comes from a Safeguarding and Education background working within Northamptonshire Children’s Social Care and the OPFCC Early Intervention Team.
Andy Evans – Arson Reduction Coordinator – Northamptonshire Fire & Rescue Service.
Andy was previously a Firefighter for 20 years and the Youth Engagement Officer for Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Over the years we have created a network of partners that allow us to deliver our objectives and remain citizen focused. By doing this we can contribute to the NFRS four arson reduction strategic objectives:
- Prevention
- Education
- Investigation
- Detection
What We Do
The ATF have 3 key priorities:
- Safer homes
- Safer neighbourhoods
- Safer buildings and businesses
These areas support key aspects of the current Police and Fire Crime Plan to make Northamptonshire safe.
This includes:
- Reducing Anti-Social Behaviour and Arson related violence
- Protecting the public
- Supporting vulnerable people
- Working with children, young people and adults involved in fire setting behaviours
- Reacting appropriately to high-risk domestic violence incidents and hate-related crime
How to contact the Arson Task Force
For advice & guidance or any ATF enquiries please contact arsontaskforce@northants.police.uk / arsontaskforce@northantsfire.gov.uk
Kelly Crockett – kelly.crockett@northants.police.uk
Andy Evans – aevans@northantsfire.gov.uk