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Fire Service offer safety tips for fire free caravanning

Burnt out remains of a motorhome

Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) is offering advice to motorhome and caravan users following their attendance at three recent fire incidents which have destroyed three unoccupied touring vehicles. As the weather improves and lockdown restrictions are lifted across the UK, many people will be considering a staycation. With more than 1.1 million caravans, motorhomes …






Put your cigarettes out – right out

Close up of cigarettes

The fire service is urging Northamptonshire smokers to ensure that their cigarettes are put right out. Smoking related fires are the biggest killers in accidental fires in the home according to national statistics, and cigarettes and other smoking products cause a quarter of all accidental fire fatalities in the home. To help the public stay …




Essential joint training delivers life saving skills to students

Firefighters, and paramedics conducting a joint training exercise

Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) has teamed up with De Montfort University and with support from East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS), to deliver essential practical scenario training to second year students studying the BSc Paramedicine degree course and Association Ambulance Practice (AAP) students. With university students on practical courses returning to campus earlier this …


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