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Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service is Ready, Willing and Able to go extra mile to support communities

Firefighter using hose

Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service is taking part in the National Fire Chiefs Council’s (NFCC) “Ready Willing and Able” campaign which launched today (15th April) to show how fire and rescue services in the UK are going the extra mile to protect and support their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Firefighters and support staff across …


Firefighters support in project to deliver food parcels to most vulnerable people in Northamptonshire

Firefighters support food delivery project

Hundreds of free food parcels for the most vulnerable people in Northamptonshire have been put together, ready for delivery over the bank holiday weekend. Staff and volunteers from a number of organisations across the county took delivery of essential food supplies, which were dropped off at hubs in Kettering and Corby, prior to being moved …


Protection team offering support for anxious business owners during lockdown

Protection officer on phone

Northamptonshire businesses concerned about the security of empty premises during the lockdown are being offered bespoke advice by Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service. With town centres and commercial areas closed up and quiet, Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service’s Protection team are hard at work offering support to businesses and managed housing landlords to boost their …


Firefighters attend four fires in a single day, caused by bonfires


Firefighters are warning the public to be extra careful when lighting bonfires in their gardens after crews attended four accidental blazes in a single day over the weekend. Crews from Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) were called to fires across the county on Saturday (March 28) which were all believed to have been caused …



Inspectors give Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue a clean bill of health

Chief Fire Officer Darren Dovey

The firefighters and staff of Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) have been congratulated on their “commitment and determination to drive improvement for their community” by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS), who visited the service to check on progress following concerns raised in an earlier inspection. HMICFRS carried out their …


Work continuing to protect elderly and vulnerable people during Covid-19 outbreak

Protection officer at work, getting in contact with nursing and care homes

Work to protect the elderly and vulnerable in the community from fire is continuing thanks to the efforts of Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS). The service’s Protection department, which works with businesses and managed housing providers to minimise fire risk, is continuing its contact with care and nursing homes to ensure its residents remain …


Message of reassurance from Police and Fire in Northamptonshire

Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold has joined Nick Adderley, Chief Constable of Northamptonshire Police, and Darren Dovey, Chief Fire Officer, to reassure people that their emergency services are working hard to keep the county safe. “While people are being told to work at home, our officers and staff are still at work, …


Staying at home? Don’t forget fire safety

Smoke alarm

‘Remember smoke alarms and fire safety’ is the message from Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service, as many in the population face a period of more time spent in their homes. With many people self-isolating following advice on social distancing or as a precaution against Coronavirus, this means basic, domestic fire safety is as important as …


Dramas help educate hundreds of school pupils on issues of gangs and bullying

Skin Deep was performed to students at Weavers Academy

Education about gang culture, bullying and knife crime is being brought to hundreds of school children in the Wellingborough area through the use of drama. The productions, delivered by The Solomon Theatre Company, have been organised through the recently launched Good Citizen Programme. About 750 students at three secondary schools in Wellingborough – Wrenn School, …

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